Selecting a gift is always a challenge – whether for a friend, sweetheart, off springs, siblings or parents. It requires a deeper understanding of their tastes and more importantly, their needs when it comes to gifting to elders. As parents get aged, their needs take precedence over their tastes. They need to be constantly tended, assured and motivated to be in the right zone of mind to lead a peaceful life. Depending on their health status, few may require daily care by caretakers. Few might need assistance in attending to outdoor chores. Many more might be looking for a wholesome company.
Given the complexity, it would be helpful if something like a ready-reckoner is available for reference on this matter. Don’t have to look farther than this. We place a few options before you for consideration.
- By far the best gift one can give their aged parents would be integrated home health care. It may not be possible for everyone to be with their parents to do it in person. Professional home care organizations offer end-to-end parent care services with a personal touch. Gift your elderly parents this facility – its more than a gift in many ways- and see them enjoy the sunset life of their years in peace and tranquillity.
- As parents advance in age their mental faculties slow down. Forgetfulness, uncertainty in movements and thoughts shroud them. They need to be kept active for a better discharge of their mental functions. You can choose to give them good word or number puzzles, playing cards, indoor games which do not require too much of physical activity like chess etc. Ensure that their moods are stable through these little exercising games.
- Another useful and handy gift could be an assistive device like a magnifying glass to read without strain, a walking stick to ensure a sense of security while walking, a chiming clock with large display, a mobile phone etc.
- Memories are worth a treasure in gold. Take them down their memory lane by presenting a collage of family pictures. Better still, arrange them in chronological order and travel the journey through the ages with them. Recall and recollect specific events of the times while browsing through such an album.
- Surprise them with gift vouchers, a drive through the city in a relaxed way stopping at their favourite hangouts.
- If you are at distant lands away from your aged parents, it would be wise to ensure they are protected and taken care in every way possible. Several service agencies are available to offer this package of services. Special packages such as NRI Parent Care is ideal as it covers all the basic and assistive needs of your parents. What better feeling can you have than knowing that your aged parents are taken care perfectly even in your absence!
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