How To Care For A Bedridden Patient At Home

Caring for bedridden patients is not as simple as it may appear, and it necessitates a high level of empathy, knowledge, and understanding to achieve the best results. As their bodies aren’t strong enough to fight back against these diseases, they depend on others for care and support. In many cases, it is challenging to look after their daily needs. You must also be aware of other important factors like physical and mental health while caring for them at home. A patient caretaker understands this and provides bedridden patients with proper care at the comfort of their homes.

Here are some valuable services that our patient caretaker provides in Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad at home.

1. Basic hygiene: Patients confined to their beds are frequently unable to perform basic hygiene-related tasks such as brushing their teeth or bathing. As a result, our patient caretakers assist them in maintaining proper basic hygiene. Taking care of these basic hygienic tasks will help them stay healthy and happy.

2. Change their Bedsheets Regularly: Bedridden elders spend the majority of their time in their beds. Food stains, dirt, and other skin particles frequently saturate the bedsheets as a result of this. Dirty bed linens, if not changed on a regular basis, can cause skin problems such as dark patches, blisters, wrinkles, and so on. As a result, bedsheets and pillowcases must be changed on a regular basis. Every 2-3 days, our caretakers change the bed linens, which helps them maintain good hygiene.

3. Checking chest-related issues: Because bedridden elders are confined to their beds for long periods, excess liquid may accumulate in their lungs. This can result in congestion and pneumonia in rare cases. Our caretakers ensure that the bedridden senior is moved to a new position every two hours to achieve this.

4. Good and Healthy Nutrition: A well-balanced diet can help with a variety of health problems. As a result, we provide them with a well-balanced, healthy, and nutritious diet while they are bedridden. Anvayaa’s caretakers can keep a track of the nutrients and calories needed for the person’s health. This will allow you to know their eating habits and keep the doctor informed. In addition, the patients receive food and diet recommendations from our doctors and dieticians.

5. Surroundings: It’s more than just hygiene and nutrition when caring for the elderly who are bedridden. While they have no choice but to stay in bed, their immediate surroundings can significantly impact their mental health. As a result, our patient caretakers make every effort to provide a safe and comfortable environment.

6. Communication: While caring for bedridden at home, regular communication must be maintained with them. We’ll be able to provide them with much-needed emotional support while remaining relaxed and composed., It can be challenging to care for bedridden patients at home. They frequently require our emotional support above all else. By staying positive, understanding your limitations, and taking care of their mental health, Anvayaa’s patient caretaker services may make it a little easier for you to take care of them in Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad.




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