How do Nursing Services at Home Help Elderly People in Emergency Health Situations? 

Nursing plays a significant role in the geriatric medical field. Nursing services at home are considered the backbone of elderly healthcare because they provide first aid and carry out all the essential tasks during emergency medical situations. Female elderly people prefer female nurses for home care and medical services as they have a more responsive, compassionate, and professional approach to handling medical emergencies. 

 Anvayaa’s efficient home care nursing services ensure that elderly patients receive proper care at all times, whether it is an emergency or not. This is why our nurses are always available all day long, 24/7! 

Our female or male nurses at home are well-equipped to manage any crisis care situation. They help in stabilizing and mitigating the medical crisis with their prompt actions. In severe medical emergencies, they even help refer elderly patients to specialized medical services.  

Anvayaa’s emergency nursing care has one goal- To save lives and reduce the chances of hospitalisation.  Let us look at how our nurses help elderly people during medical emergencies. 

How do nurses help in mitigating emergency health situations? 

Taking prompt action to avoid fatality 

Nurses at home must take prompt action to decrease the chances of fatality. In elderly people, this can be done through emergency equipment and procedures. When a senior person becomes suddenly unconscious and unresponsive, it is vital that a nurse quickly assesses their condition and determines what type of help they need. 

If there are no signs of life after five minutes, nurses should immediately call the emergency response team. If possible, they will try to save the elderly person’s life by giving them oxygen therapy or CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). This can prevent further damage from occurring and promptly reduce loss of life.  

1.First Aid Treatment 

Anvayaa’s nurses at home are well-trained to provide first-aid care and treatment to elderly people during any medical emergency, especially in case of cardiac arrest or strokes. 

If any of the two instances occur, the nurses check the airway and breathing patterns of the elderly person. It involves listening for sounds in their throat (proper breathing), looking for any signs of obstruction or improper breathing patterns, and checking to see if they can swallow.  

In case of cardiac arrest or heart attack, the pulse and blood circulation of the elderly person must be checked immediately to prevent any fatality.  

2.Calling the ambulance on time 

Accidents can even happen at home. An elderly person can fall down the stairs or sustain a head injury by slipping in the bathroom. Even with all the precautions taken, these instances can take place.  

If not an injury, elderly people can have sudden cardiac arrest or stroke attack, which can affect their mobility and life. Medical surveys have determined that the impact of stroke and heart attacks can be prevented if quick medical care is provided.  

When such instances occur, Anvayaa’s nurses at home instantly call the ambulance and ensure the elderly patient gets to the hospital on time.  

To provide elderly patients with immediate care and medical attention during emergencies, Anvayaa has a partnership with over 1500 ambulance service vendors. The ambulance vehicles are available round-the-clock and well-equipped with medical facilities.  


Monitoring the patient’s vital signs and the condition is one of the most critical functions in elderly nursing care. Anvayaa’s home care nursing services ensure that an elderly patient’s vitals are regularly monitored to mitigate any medical crisis.  

This includes monitoring heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, and respiration rate. The nurses also check for any other signs that indicate changes in health status, such as incontinence or confusion (which may be indicators of seizures). 

Another important aspect of monitoring involves assessing how the elderly patient responds to treatment. If a nurse sees that something has changed about their condition or behaviour, then it would be best for them not just to start over but get an update from another healthcare provider before proceeding further with treatment plans. 

4.Updating the family members 

When an elderly person undergoes any medical crisis, their family members staying abroad get worried and anxious. Sometimes, panic and lack of updates worsen the situation. Anvayaa’s emergency nursing services consistently send real-time updates and medical information to the family members to prepare them for the situation. This helps family members to plan their schedule accordingly and come home to check the well-being of their elderly parents.  

5.Having emergency  care and recovery plan 

After the elderly patient’s medical emergency is diagnosed and they are out of danger, Anvayaa’s nurses and care managers coordinate with the doctors to develop an emergency care and recovery plan. These specialised plans ensure that elderly patients get adequate and prioritised medical attention for complete recovery.  

Nursing serves as the backbone of elderly healthcare emergencies. Nurses are the first responders who respond to an elderly patient’s medical needs and provide them with the necessary care. 

Nursing plays a crucial role in emergency health situations. It is the backbone of healthcare in emergencies. They help save elderly patients’ lives and ensure they get prompt and urgent care for recovery.  

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